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Flexibility Workshop Material and Videos

Flexibility Workshop Material and Videos

Welcome to flexiblity workshop VIP page.  Now that your in-person assesment is complete and you have your area(s) of focus and your stretch band, your assignment is to commit to just 1 video a day for a minimum of 5 days a week.  We have a variety of videos to choose from and you can choose which vidoes you would like to do as long as the "focus" area is covered at least 3x/week. 

Intro Materials
Welcome video 
Take a look at this short presentation to learn the many benefits of stretching and moving more frequently throughtout the day.
Stretch and Move for a Better You PowerPoint Presentation 


Stretching Video Library


Neck and Upper Back Stretches
Chest and Shoulder Stretches


Back Stretches


Hip/Glute/Hamstring Stretches


At the end of each week, please take the 2-minute survey to ensure accountability and to provide weekly feedback.  

Take Survey