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Dental Benefits

Dentist with patient

The Manatee YourChoice Dental Plan is a PPO/PDN  plan and is sponsored by Manatee County Government's Board of County Commissioners and administered by Aetna using the Aetna Dental PPO/PDN with PPOII Network. An employee of Manatee County Government who desires individual, and/or family coverage must contribute through Payroll Deduction. The Plan is self-insured, and the Employees pay 100% of the cost. Upon reasonable notice (60 days), the Plan Administrator may change the enrollment rate or premium equivalent, and may change the Employee's payroll deduction to the appropriate enrollment rate or premium.

A Member selects the dentist of their choice to perform all services. Dentists listed in the Aetna Dental PPO/PDN with PPOII Network have agreed to contracted rates for dental services and agree to not bill the member for the difference between the contracted rate and their billed charge. Non-network Dentists will be reimbursed at the Aetna PPO/PDN contracted rate by the Plan, however members are subject to additional charges by that provider as a non-network Dentist.

NOTE: Child dental preventive care is covered for all children under 19 enrolled in the YourChoice Medical Plan. Refer to the medical plan section for more information.

Dental Plan Rates

The Dental Plan is 100% funded by employee/retiree contributions. The rates are based upon employee/retiree utilization during the past 12 months.The rates are the same for Employees & Retiree                    

Employee/Retiree Only $17.00 per pay period ($34.00/month)
Employee/Retiree + 1 $27.50 per pay period ($55.00/month)
Employee/Retiree + 2 or More $37.50 per pay period ($75.00/month)