Scorecard Activities and Resources

Host a wellness advocate to your worksite! In-person or zoom to learn about important lifestyle management strategies. Topics may include:
- Workplace Ergonomics
- Self-Care
- Movement
- Postural Alignment
- The Importance of Sleep
- Nutrition Guidlines - Meal Planning
- A topic of your choice!
Please reach out to Julie, Dan or Marcus to discuss topics and to schedule a presentation.
- Julie Drackett, Worksite Wellness Manager, x3966
- Email:
- Dan Trongone, Worksite Wellness Coordinator, x3866
- Email:
- Marcus Harris, Diabetes and Nutrition Education, x3974
- Email:
Host a Nutrition Assessment Event, contact Marcus Harris for any questions and to schedule.
- This is a 1 hour in-person workshop
Promote Hinge Health, Click Here for more details.
Host Wellbeing Expo with Care Team on-site, reach out to Julie for any questions and to schedule.
Host a Mini Exercise Class, reach out to Dan for any questions and to schedule.
Additional Resources:
Promote YouTube resources for desk stretching. Simply copy and paste this exact email and send it out to your staff!
Remember to take your Ergo Breaks! Ergo Breaks or Micro Breaks are a quick 2-3 minute pause from work helping employees de-stress and re-charge for the rest of the workday.
- Take a 2 minutes walk down the hall to strech hips and legs
- For every 30 minutes of sitting, get 3 minutes of movement
- Roll your shoulders and wrists to loosen up tension from repetitive routines
- Have a quick chat with a coworker
Try one of these 3 minute videos to stretch upper body! Hip Release
Use this ergo tips flyer to ensure that your work station is set up for optimal comfort. Ergo Tips Flyer