Programs to Help Quit Smoking or Dipping
Here is a list of helpful sites with important information about help quitting, smokeless tobacco, smoking, second hand smoke and other tobacco related products:
- Tobacco Free Florida https://tobaccofreeflorida.com/
- Ex Program https://www.becomeanex.org/
- Smoke Free https://smokefree.gov/
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/quit_smoking/index.htm
- American Lung Association https://www.lung.org/quit-smoking/i-want-to-quit/how-to-quit-smoking
- NIH National Cancer Institute Tobacco Facts https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/tobacco
Smokeless/Chewing Tobacco Focused Resources
- Medline Plus https://medlineplus.gov/smokelesstobacco.html