There are two opportunities for retirees who meet the criteria to receive a subsidy for their retiree benefits: 1) FRS Premium Subsidy, and 2) Manatee County Government Subsidy (Manatee County employees with 10+ years of Manatee County Government service).
Florida Retirement System Premium Subsidy
The Florida Retirement System (FRS) subsidizes each eligible retiree $7.50 per month for every year of service up to 30 years (not including years in DROP), upon providing proof of medical insurance. For example, a retiree with 10 years would receive $75 per month toward the medical or other insurance premiums (eligibility determined by FRS).
The County notifies the FRS annually of all retirees enrolled in the County's medical plan. A Retiree enrolled in any other Medical Insurance plan must annually provide proof of coverage to the FRS to be eligible for the Medical Insurance Premium Subsidy. The Health Insurance Subsidy (HIS) availability is based on the guidelines set forth by FRS (see Section 1-Eligibility of this manual).
Manatee County Premium Assistance Program
An employee electing to terminate employment, who has at least ten (10) years' service with Manatee County Government or a participating Agency for the purpose of receiving regular, early or disability retirement benefits from Florida Retirement System, is eligible to receive premium assistance at the effective Date of Retirement.
The Board of County Commissioners annually reviews the Premium Assistance Program. At any time, by providing 30 days written notice to participating retirees, the Board of County Commissioners may change the Premium Assistance Program. It should be noted that it has been the intention of the Board of County Commissioners to gradually reduce the subsidy offered to retirees in order to maintain a solvent plan.
Retiree Automatic Deduction
A Retiree may authorize the Florida Retirement System to automatically deduct Medical and Dental Premiums from their monthly Retirement Benefits Check. For more information contact Employee Health Benefits.