Allergy Treatment for Adults and Children—Ultimate Plan
- There is no co-pay for adult or children, respectively, when receiving allergy treatments.
Alternative Care Benefit
20 visits per year of each:
- Occupational Therapy
- Chiropractic Care
- Speech Therapy
- Massage Therapy
- Registered Dietitian (first 5 visits $0 co-pay for all plans-not covered at out-of-network providers)
- Acupuncture (not covered at out-of network providers)
Behavioral Health Benefits
- Eliminated Deductible and Coinsurance: Inpatient stays related to substance abuse are covered at 100% just as mental health inpatient stays are covered.
- Intensive Outpatient Program allows a maximum of 30 days per plan year.
- Reduced Deductible: The deductible for Intensive Outpatient Programs at out of network providers is $300 per day.
Child Dental Preventive Care Benefits
- A benefit offered to all children under the medical plan up to age 19.
- The Plan allows 2 oral exams and 2 cleanings per year, covered at 100% at Network Dentists.
- Sealants for children's preventative dental care (under the medical plan) will be covered at 100% - 1 treatment every 3 rolling years on permanent molars only for children to age 13.
Durable Medical Equipment
- Reduced Member Coinsurance: Repairs for Durable Medical Equipment (wheelchairs, canes, etc) only require a 10% coinsurance for Ultimate Plan and 20% coinsurance for Best Plan
Emergency Room Out-of-Network
- Reduced Out of Pocket Expense (All Plan Levels): Emergency Room care at an out of network facility is covered the same as in-network emergency room care.
- Reduced Member Coinsurance: Custom molded foot orthotics and oral sleep apnea appliances only require a 10% coinsurance for Ultimate Plan, 20% coinsurance for Best Plan (deductible applies for the Best plan level).
Physical Therapy
- Members on the Ultimate Plan level receive up to 20 physical therapy visits each year, the first 5 with no copay and no coinsurance.
- Hospital-owned physical therapy facilities are limited to 5 visits annually.
- Freestanding (not hospital affiliated), are preferable – you would get up to 20 visits (visit 6-20 require a copay). Ask the facility if they are hospital owned and if they are an Aetna provider, or call the nurse line at 833-462-0106, ext. 1309376114 or ext. 1309376113 for help in finding a freestanding physical therapy facility.
Routine Eye Exams under Medical Plan
- Routine Eye exams for members are covered annually.
- Refractions are covered as part of the Routine Eye Exam for contact lenses or glasses. However, the co-pay or coinsurance for the exam still applies.