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Wellbeing at Work


MSO Registrations

MSO Registrations

Register for Upcoming Advocate Presentations at MSO

Click on the title of the presentation to register with Eventbrite! Each presentation will be limited to 12 registrations. Presentations will take place in the Media Center.


4/28/22 @ 12 pm:

Movement for Brain Health

with Allison Minardi, Worksite Wellness Manager

Learn how adding movement to your day can improve cognitive function, elevate mood and decrease stress.


5/6/22 @ 12 pm:

Posture: How to Improve and Preserve Your Spine

with Julie Drackett, Fitness Coordinator

Learn about the importance and overall health impact of a healthy spine and strong posture. Takeaway some strategies to address posture as well as simple stretches and exercises to improve it.


5/18/22 @ 11 am:

Keto Myths and Simple How To

with Florey Miller, MS, RD, CDE

Find out the truths and myths about the keto diet plus what you need to know to follow it safely. 


6/16/22 @ 11 am:

10 Healthy Habits for 2022 Part 1

with Kay Renshaw, RD/LDN

Learn some new healthy habits that you can start in 2022!


6/21/22 @ 11 am:

Fueling for Fitness

with Kay Renshaw, RD/LDN

Learn how to fuel your body for the activities you love!


6/28/22 @ 11 am:

10 Healthy Habits for 2022 Part 2

with Kay Renshaw, RD/LDN

Learn some new healthy habits that you can start in 2022!